Working as a psychologist is a privilege. By invitation, I am allowed into the psychological, emotional and spiritual realms of my clients’ lives. It is a trust I take seriously and consider the relationship between a psychologist and client the most important factor of successful therapy.
I began in this field working one-to-one with people experiencing depression, anxiety, severe and persistent mental illness, as well as those facing circumstances that life unexpectedly throws at us sometimes. Working on a secured mental health unit at a major Twin Cities hospital, first as an assistant, then a psychologist, and finally as a clinical director, provided me an abundance of intensive experiences that formed my view of what it means to be a psychologist and a human being. Coming into contact with patients dealing with a wide range of mental illnesses, presented me with an understanding of the fragility, as well as the powerful strength of the human spirit. I loved every minute of dealing with patients who were vulnerable, courageous, but most often intelligent sources of wisdom and humor. I received much more from each of these individuals than I could ever give, and the experience profoundly influenced my beliefs in what makes a good psychologist.
As the healthcare landscape changed to one of big business and politics, so did my dissatisfaction with the system’s inability to cut through red tape and bureaucracy. The limitations of a strict psychiatric medical model left me feeling empty and frustrated. I needed to get back to the basics of working with patients rather than spending hours in meetings where egos loomed large. The disease model no longer worked. I needed to spread my wings and knew I needed a more eclectic, holistic approach. My identity as a professional psychologist has evolved into what it is today from the breadth and depth of experience.
I chose private practice, and after working in a clinic for awhile, decided I would work independently so I could focus solely on my clients. I worked out of my home office, but started my online practice during Covid, and now continue it because it is extremely efficient and no one has to travel. I believe in making life as easy as possible for myself and others. Put simply, I work with people experiencing difficulty and who want to stop suffering.
Those who are most successful in their pursuit learn to live in the reality of the present and will do what they can to find peace-of-mind in their lives. Living a rich life without chaos and turbulence is a quest that is worth any amount of work and practice
I am 68-years-old and have grown to be very comfortable with myself. I like who I am and want others to enjoy what I've worked my entire life to accomplish. I am always amazed at the new things I learn on a daily basis considering I have worked with thousands of individuals, couples and families through my private practice, as well as positions in hospitals, clinics, in-home community mental health, hospice, managed care, and schools. Through all those years of education, training and experience I’ve come to understand that knowing behavioral science is important in treating disease and disorders, but love, compassion and forgiveness are what we need to treat ourselves and each other as human beings.
I am now in the later stages of an amazing career. I am doing my best and most important work; and now am in a position to work with only people who want serious change in their lives. If you are one of those people, send me a message.